Welcome to Frequency Healing!

In the journey to reclaim my health (after being told to “shut up” by my doctor) I learned a lot by trial and error. You don’t know what you don’t know. In doing research over the years, the internet has everything: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. Nikola Tesla said “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.” Even in our western allopathic medicine paradigm (review the Flexner Report of 1910 for details), we use “energy medicine” for diagnostic purposes. Think of medical imaging (CT, MRI, Ultrasound, Nuclear Medicine, PET scans, x-ray), EKG’s, EEG’s acupuncture, massage, lasers, etc., to “see and record” what is happening inside of you. Then too often, we revert back to “chemical medicine” or pharmaceuticals, to “fix” the problem. While drugs have their place in crisis medicine, they tend to have too many negative side-effects. Besides, drugs don’t “heal” you, they primarily mask the symptoms. I’ll go a step further: What you eat, or drink, doesn’t heal you. Your body is designed to heal itself. What you eat, or drink, or breathe, is either adding energy to your body to accelerate the healing process, or stealing energy to slow it down. This is where we hear the adage “you are what you eat”. Keep in mind, you are around 70% water. What are you drinking? Let's be honest, most of us only go to the doctor when we are experiencing a set of symptoms that we can no longer tolerate. In simple terms, western medical schools train doctors to “fix” your problem(s) with drugs, surgery, or radiation. This is necessary when you are in a crisis, but this method isn’t a paradigm back to sound health. If you have a headache, it was not caused by an aspirin deficiency. Since we use “energy medicine” for diagnosis purposes… is there a possibility that we can use energy/frequency/vibration to promote healing? Without all the negative side effects of drugs? Without reservation, I believe so! On this website are a few tools I use to put my body and mind in a position to heal itself. I’m not a doctor. I make no health claims. What is written here is all in my opinion and experience. I’m simply sharing tools that I have found to be very effective, not just for me and my family, but for many others as well. I figure that when we all get “old” we don’t want to be sitting in a wheelchair, wearing diapers, and drooling out the side of our mouths, wondering who our visitors are. I want to be highly functional physically, mentally, and emotionally as long as I can. I want to live pain-free.

Contact me for a no-pressure discussion on what each product is and how they work, and maybe which is best for you.

You are blessed to be a blessing,
Les Sundeen